Today is the start of the season of Advent. It’s the beginning of the Christian calendar, and the Christmas season. But where did we get the word? The Latin word adventus is the noun for “coming” or “arrival.” Literally, it’s the noun version of “coming (ventus) to (ad).” We use the word “advent” in secular context as well. “The advent of the printing press” or “the advent of the internet.” Inventions like these have changed the world in large ways. But the Advent season celebrates the greatest invention of all time. Love came down to planet Earth.

The Word became flesh and blood,
and moved into the neighborhood.
We saw the glory with our own eyes,
the one-of-a-kind glory,
like Father, like Son,
Generous inside and out,
true from start to finish.

John 1:14 MSG

Into the neighborhood. Can you believe it? It’s unlike any other story. God with skin on. God with us. It’s my favorite translation of my favorite verse. There’s no inventor like God.

The first week in Advent is all about Hope. What greater hope do we have than this? God sent his only son into our neighborhood.

Creator of All Things, thank you for making your Word flesh. You’re here in our neighborhood, and so we get to know you like a neighbor. Keep this hope in our hearts this Advent season and always. AMEN.