It's the hope that kills you
Last year, we started a new Men’s Bible Study on Wednesday nights. We studied an unlikely subject, an Apple TV+ show called Ted Lasso. On the surface, this is not something you’d expect to study in a church setting. However, Jimmy Mummert and I (and turns out many more) saw something deeper there. God’s wisdom revealed through a modern, secular story. During the peak of the pandemic, Jimmy’s friend said, “It’s a show we need right now.”
The show follows an unlikely hero, Ted Lasso, a Division II football coach. Ted has been hired to coach a Premier League soccer team in England. He’s a total fish out of water, but that starts to change. Over the course of the season, he and the team find redemption in one another.
At the climax of the season, they are one win away from avoiding relegation. If they lose, they’ll be demoted to the minor leagues. Coach Ted gathers the team together at half time and gives this speech:
So I’ve been hearing this phrase y’all got over here that I ain’t too crazy about. “It’s the hope that kills you.” Y’all know that? I disagree, you know? I think it’s the lack of hope that comes and gets you. See, I believe in hope. I believe in belief. Now, where I’m from, we got a saying too, yeah? A question, actually. “Do you believe in miracles?” Now, I don’t need y’all to answer that question for me… But I do want you to answer that question for yourselves. Right now. Do you believe in miracles? And if you do… Then I want y’all to circle up with me right now. Come on. Let’s go.
Answer that question for yourself this advent season. Here’s a hint though. “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26)
Miracle Maker, all things are possible with you. Don’t let us forget this fact. We love you. AMEN.