In the 12th grade, I got one of the best gifts I’ve ever received. It was a yellow book with a butterfly on it called Hope for the Flowers. “A tale - partly about life, partly about revolution, and lots about hope…”. If you can, read it yourself, but I’ll try to summarize here.

The story follows a caterpillar named Stripe. He hatches from an egg, eats, and grows, but thinks there must be more to life. One day he discovers a pillar of caterpillars, all climbing over one another. The pillar stretches up to the clouds. The caterpillars are seeking soem unknown goal. He joins in and along the way meets a friend named Yellow. They fall in love and eventually give up the climb to live together. But the feeling that there is more to life never leaves Stripe. Eventually, he sets back off to the climb, abandoning Yellow. Sad and alone, Yellow discovers another caterpillar forming a cocoon. Although she is doubtful, she decides to do the same. Meanwhile, Stripe has grown bigger and stronger. He makes it to the top of the climb. There he discovers nothing but thousands of other caterpillar pillars around. Then, buttefly Yellow visits him. At first, he doesn’t recognize Yellow in her new form. Eventually, she convinces him to become a butterfly too. Then, they live happily ever after.

There’s more depth to the parable than I can convey here. But I want to zoom in on a pivotal moment in the story. Here’s what the first cocoon-building caterpillar tells Yellow. “You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.” Yellow asks them if this means she has to die. “Yes and No,” he says. “Life is changed, not taken away.” This is the ultimate hope-building move. Paul says it this way in Galatians 2:20.

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Author of Hope, give us the courage to die to ourselves. Help us to take up our cross daily and follow you. AMEN.